happy birthday buddy

| Saturday, October 16, 2010 | |
My son, my youngest, my baby, turns 8 years old today. It's hard to believe another year has gone by. Each year I post my annual birthday ode to Luke

Here's a year in the life of Luke, in pictures.

Sharing laughs with a sister is always good.

Decorating the tree
Luke and the girls (sister Emma and cousin Hannah)
This was the year of the snow for us. This snowman is taller than Luke!

It was also the year of eating the snow...

Luke, Emma and me in snow so big and heavy you can't see our faces.
Luke's sleepover with his cousin (that's like a sister) Hannah. Two sillies in one room all night!

Peek a Boo!

The art show at the end of Art in the Afternoon, weekly art classes.
Luke started building with Daddy this year. He (and Daddy) love it!
Carefully using a saw.
Siblings get along well running and playing outside.

Luke was obsessed with blowing bubbles this year. It seemed soothing to him.

Baseball 2010. I don't want to talk about it.

Easter Hunt RACE.

Could he BE any cuter?!

Legos on the shirt, Legos in the hand. Nope, he doesn't like Legos at all.
Luke got his first Build A Bear this year (and his second and third).

This boy LOVES the beach. He has the best behavior and fewest ADHD symptoms there too.

The first time Luke played mini-golf. We played twice more that week on vacation too.

Oh, those big blue eyes!

{a picture's worth a thousand words}
New year brought new Wii games.

He got into listening to an iPod this year. He says it calms him.

Science became his latest obsession this year. LOVE THAT!

Music "garage" at the Greenville Science Museum.
Luke drives the fire truck.

It's not all fun and smiles. Sometimes this happens. Luke hides under Daddy on the sidewalk.

I guess this was a year of firsts. He and Emma bowled for the first time this year too.

Even the kid balls are really heavy. Can you say proprioceptive input?
First time on the Lake too. We discovered paddle boats are fun... but really only once.

Luke's first marshmallow caught fire so now he's fretting while Daddy roasts another one.

First for tennis too.

Mmmm.... smores!
First for reading lots and lots and lots. I am thrilled!

And now he's 8!

What a year!


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